perjantaina, marraskuuta 12, 2004

Kerrankin joku on samaa mieltä

DOs & DON’Ts of Photography, kohta B:
Don't: Band photos What? Why are these four guys so mad at me? And why are they standing in front of a trash-strewn vacant lot? Who are you guys, a tough gang from the bad part of town?
Nope, you are every fucking band ever, and you are so boring to look at it makes me dizzy.
Don'ts: Black & white, Blurry photos on purpose, photos in/of Bathtubs, Burning (and dodging), Bums, Brooklyn, Blinking
Dos: Blogs, Breasts, Bunny ears (when you hold up two fingers behind someone's head in a photo)

1 kommentti:

Mackan kirjoitti...

DOs: Birthday party at the Batgirl's place.


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