tiistaina, lokakuuta 26, 2004

You and Me

Open up your eyes - See how life time flies
Open up and
let the light back in.

Open up your heart - Let the lovin' start
Open up and
let the light back in.


Neil Young (You and Me - Harvest Moon)

2 kommenttia:

Tuuba kirjoitti...

Hieno kappale, sykähdyttävä.

Jälleen on tiistai ja tsemppauksen aika.

Poikakuoro, hei!
taas voiton vei
huudahtaa ruutsi
(lattiaan kolahtaa buutsi)

*hyppii ja heiluttelee puuhkaa*

Nolo runo, mutta minkäs voit. Kannustusjoukkueen ylläpito yksinään käy kohta mielenterveydelle.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Jaahas, runojaisiksi meni! Minä mukaan, voittokalja maistuisi, illan tunnelma siis laulusta:

Well I was rollin' down the road in some cold blue steel,
I had a bluesman in the back, and a beautician at the wheel.
We're going downtown in the middle of the night
We was laughing and I'm jokin' and we feelin' alright.
Oh I'm bad, I'm nationwide.
Yes I'm bad, I'm nationwide.

Easin' down the highway in a new Cadillac,
I had a fine fox in front, I had three more in the back.
They sportin' short dresses, wearin' spike-heeled shoes,
They smokin' Lucky Strikes, wearing nylon too.
Welcome back, we're nationwide.
Yeah we bad, we're nationwide.

Well I was movin' down the road in my V-8 Ford,
I had a shine on my boots, I had my sideburns lowered.
With my New York brim and my gold tooth displayed,
Nobody give me trouble cause they know I got it made.
I'm bad, I'm nationwide.
Girl I'm bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, I'm nationwide.


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