maanantaina, joulukuuta 18, 2006

He was born in a cross-fire hurricane

Poikakuoro onnittelee 63-vuotiasta Keith Richardsia, maailman parasta rock and roll -kitaristia.

2 kommenttia:

Satu kirjoitti...

If you start him up
If you start him up he'll never stop
If you start him up
If you start him up he'll never stop
He's been running hot
You got him ticking gonna blow his top
If you start him up
If you start him up he'll never stop

You make a grown man cry,
Spread out the oil, the gasoline
He walks smooth, rides in a mean, mean machine

Start it up...

JahRelainen kirjoitti...

.... im not waitin' on a lady.
im just waitin' on a friend,
im just waitin' on a friend


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