maanantaina, maaliskuuta 06, 2006

Willie Garvinin Sibelius-kritiikki

Theodor W. Adornokin jää toiseksi Willie Garvinin osuvasti postuloidulle Sibelius-kritiikille:

‘I don’t get Sibelius meself,’ Willie Garvin said quietly. ‘All noise and no tune. Now you take Mozart. There was a kiddy who really knew how to write music with a bit of melody.’

‘I’m not saying he didn’t,’ Modesty answered, keeping her voice low.’ If I had to do without one or other, I’d keep Mozart. I’m just saying that if you really try with Sibelius it’s well worth the effort.’

‘All right,’ Willie said reluctantly. ‘I’ll give Sibelius another try. But I don’t think he’ll get through, Princess. So it’s not likely he’ll be able to go around bragging that I’m one of ‘is fans. I get browned off with a bloke who makes me listen too ‘ard.’

‘Courage, Willie love. I know what you mean, but you can always go back to Mozart and the more tuneful kiddies.’ (O'Donnell, Peter 1966. Modesty Blaise , 112-113.)

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